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Category: Tutorials

Playing with Toys: Fedora Linux on the GPD Pocket [Final Update: 1/15/2017]

The GPD Pocket, with hot dog and Strongbow shown for size reference.

[Update (12/4/2017): DO NOT run a “sudo dnf autoremove” command until you’ve read the update at the bottom of this post!]

[Update (12/4/2017): There have been some wonderful updates over the past month. I now consider this post to be deprecated and a new post is available here!]

I bought a new netbook computer a couple weeks ago, and it’s the cutest thing you ever did see. It’s called the GPD Pocket, and it is a full Windows 10 laptop about the size of a 7-inch tablet. The specs are impressive for the devices size: quad core processor, 8GB RAM, 128GB solid state hard drive, and as the name implies, it will literally fit in the pocket of one’s cargo shorts. Continue reading

Tutorial: How I prepare my newspaper articles for genealogy

I’ve got new tutorial video up today. In this one, I basically ramble as I prepare a newspaper article for presentation in my genealogy. When researching on such sites as Chronicling America and Fulton History, I like to download the full page containing the relevant article. I then crop out the relevant article and make that the first page of a PDF file. I leave the full page as the second page of the PDF file, but I highlight the relevant portions. If, as in this case, only a small portion of an article is relevant, I’ll make faux tears in it to show that I’ve skipped some of the article. The software I’m using here is the GIMP image editor and the PDF Split and Merge document editor. Although I’m using Linux in this video, the software is available for all platforms. Enjoy!