Petitions for Naturalization, Nos. 1067-1099
About this record set
The photographs were taken on June 18th, 2012 at the National Archives and Records Administration, Mid-Atlantic Region (now known the National Archives at Philadelphia). As of that date, the petitions included here had not been microfilmed, and therefore were not digitized for inclusion on
These records should appear in the collection, Pennsylvania, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1795-1931. Under Browse this collection, find Circuit Court from the Courts drop down menu. In the list that appears below, find the roll, (Roll 005) Petition Numbers 782-1099. With a subscription to Ancestry, one should be able to see the petitions beginning at No. 782, but the roll ends abruptly at frame 828, after the conclusion of petition No. 1066 for Charles Haffner. The next roll in the series, (Roll 006) Petition Numbers 1100-1639, picks up at petition No. 1100 for Edward Adams, having skipped over the petition Nos. 1067-1099.
The physical microfilm roll #5 was available to view at the Archives. It appeared there just as it does on, ending abruptly at petition No. 1066, and omitting petition Nos. 1067-1099. The attendants at the Archives could not explain the omission, but were able to pull the original documents, which I photographed using a Samsung CL65 compact camera. Microfilming of the records was performed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, on or about August 3, 1987.
The documents were separated into three manila envelopes numbered as follows:
Petitions 1067-1079
Petition No. | Name | Country of Nativity | Date of Declaration | Date of Petition | View PDF |
1067 | Edward Finsel | Germany | Aug. 11, 1887 | Sept. 12, 1890 |  |
1068 | Joseph Wolfromm | Bavaria | Jun. 25, 1888 | Sept. 12, 1890 |  |
1069 | Jacob P. Peterson | Denmark | Sept. 5, 1887 | Sept. 12, 1890 |  |
1070 | James Henry Hinchliffe | England | Oct. 3, 1885 | Sept. 12, 1890 |  |
1071 | Thomas Carr | Ireland | May 1, 1884 | Sept. 12, 1890 |  |
1072 | Patrick Corr | Ireland | Apr. 11, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1073 | Louis Lautman | Austria | Feb. 16, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1074 | Louis Eicke | Germany | Nov. 12, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1075 | George Cober | Germany | Feb. 6, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1076 | Hugh McKay | Ireland | Sept. 14, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1077 | Edward Brady | Ireland | Sept. 14, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1078 | William Didden | Germany | Jul. 2, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1079 | Hugh Beattie | Ireland | --------------- | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
Petitions 1080-1090
Petition No. | Name | Country of Nativity | Date of Declaration | Date of Petition | View PDF |
1080 | David E. Walsh | Ireland | Sept. 24, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1081 | Charles Henry Sharp | England | Jan. 27, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1082 | Gottleib Scheihing | Germany | Sept. 10, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1083 | Joseph Atkins | England | Sept. 8, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1084 | Morris J. Cohen | Russia | Oct. 30, 1885 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1085 | Felix G. Froerer | Germany | Sept. 18, 1880 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1086 | George Cutter | England | Aug. 29, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1087 | Adam Killin | Ireland | Oct. 8, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1088 | Ferdinand Lustig | Austria | Jun. 25, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1089 | Richard Zeckwer | Germany | Aug. 23, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1090 | Thomas Clarke | Ireland | Sept. 3, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
Petitions 1091-1099
Petition No. | Name | Country of Nativity | Date of Declaration | Date of Petition | View PDF |
1091 | Thomas J. Gavaghan | Ireland | ---------------- | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1092 | Martin F. Jennings | Ireland | Jul. 18, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1093 | Venzl Kosak | Austria | Sept. 7, 1888 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1094 | William Morris | Ireland | Mar. 23, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1095 | Michael McCarthy | Ireland | Jun. 29, 1887 | Sept. 16, 1890 |  |
1096 | Robert Hays | Ireland | Aug. 29, 1888 | Sept. 19, 1890 |  |
1097 | Andreas Greiss | Germany | Sept. 10, 1888 | Sept. 19, 1890 |  |
1098 | John Keys | Ireland | ---------------- | Sept. 19, 1890 |  |
1099 | William H. Smith | England | Oct. 2, 1886 | Sept. 19, 1890 |  |