
By tim, 28 August, 2024

I took two Genealogy trip during the month of August. Although the primary purposes for these trips was left unsatisfied, I sure had a great time getting out and exploring. In Lancaster, baptism records for Cora (Kline) Harrison, David H. Kline, and Catherine (Hogentogler) Kline were nowhere to be found, but the final resting places of several Hable descendants were photographed, as was the new monument to fallen World War I soldiers in Sixth Ward Park.

By tim, 31 July, 2024
Tim G. solves two long-standing family history mysteries this month: The burial location of Baby Selma Anflick at Har Jehuda Cemetery in Upper Darby, and the relationship of Bishop John Joseph Graham to the rest of the Grahams' in the Graham Family Tree. I also lay out plans for two August trips: a trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during the first week of August, and a trip Boston during the third week.
By tim, 25 July, 2022
This month on the podcast, in the process of preparing family history media galleries for web publication, I take a stroll down memory lane, and revisit a few research loose ends for ancestor surnames beginning with the letters 'A' and 'B', specifically the Anflicks, Arrighys, Balmers, and Berrys. Then I take on a Find-a-Grave photography project. Lastly, I give updates on last months proposed summer challenges.
By tim, 20 June, 2022
This month I launch my 14-day free trial of in order to discover photos from public member trees that are not available to AncestryLibrary users. I describe some recent adventures in self-hosting, including hard drive corruption, data loss, and restoration from backup. Lastly, I lay out some personal challenges for my upcoming summer vacation. Links in the show notes.
By tim, 22 May, 2022
In this month's episode, recorded on May 7th, I make some early discoveries in the 1950 Census, including my Grandaunt Sheila's occupation as census taker and my Granduncle Albert's residency Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry. I make contact through FamilySearch with some potential distant cousins along the Smith and Foley lines, including an e-mail contact with a descendant of Bernard Smith of Boston. Lastly, a recent update to the Webtrees software will enable me to whitelist photographs and documents as I clear them for publication.
By tim, 27 March, 2022

This month I share a little of what I discovered at RootsTech this year, I anticipate the imminent release of the 1950 census, and I remember long-time First Friday Genealogy member and contributor Bill Ivers, who passed away this month at the age of 85. Links are in the show notes.

By tim, 27 February, 2022
JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — Tim G. registered for RootsTech 2022 last week. RootsTech is one of the nation's largest and most popular annual genealogy conferences, and has been informing and inspiring genealogists of all skill levels since 2011. Organized by FamilySearch International, the conference has traditionally taken place at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The conference was held as a free online event in 2021 after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of in-person events across the nation. Tim G. attended portions of last year's the event, and hopes to participate more in this year's event, which will take place during March 3-5.


By tim, 8 January, 2022
This month on the podcast, I visit the Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania to photograph a Smith monument, and I make a breakthrough in Snyder family research, revealing the identity of the long-elusive "Mrs. I. Beechman", sister of Minnie Snyder Anflick and Pauline Snyder Miller. Links in the show notes.
By tim, 6 November, 2021
This month I received a pair of contacts online, on through Facebook, and another through One of these contacts was more closely related than the other. I talk about them, and offer a few tips for using Facebook to enhance your genealogy.
By tim, 3 September, 2021
In this month's episode, I explain my activities on's global family tree, resolving record suggestions pertaining to my Smith ancestors and relatives. I describe what the family tree showed after I resolved all record hints, which is that we may well have Smith cousins living in the Boston area. Lastly, I describe the elevator accident that took the life of one potential Boston relative, Edward Smith, in the winter of 1915.