
Content related to the Graham family surname.

By tim, 17 July, 2022

HOUSTON, Texas (GBT) — FamilyTreeDNA has received a DNA sample from family historian and GBT webmaster Tim G. at it's Houston facility last Friday, July 15. Tim ordered the DNA sampling kit on Saturday, July 2, at the suggestion of his uncle, Amir Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani, to determine whether he is among the J1 sub-family of Grahams. Tim received the DNA kit last Saturday, July 9th and mailed his prepared sample the following morning.


By tim, 22 May, 2022
In this month's episode, recorded on May 7th, I make some early discoveries in the 1950 Census, including my Grandaunt Sheila's occupation as census taker and my Granduncle Albert's residency Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry. I make contact through FamilySearch with some potential distant cousins along the Smith and Foley lines, including an e-mail contact with a descendant of Bernard Smith of Boston. Lastly, a recent update to the Webtrees software will enable me to whitelist photographs and documents as I clear them for publication.
By tim, 10 April, 2022
JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — The National Archives and Records Administration released the 1950 Census online last Friday, April 1st, 2022. Every ten years the administration publicly releases the census taken 72 prior to the release date. Prior to April 1st, the most recent census released by the administration was the 1940 census, which it released on April 1st, 2012. Each census release is a bonanza for genealogists, who can trace family relationships, movements, and occupations through the documents.
By tim, 13 February, 2022
CHALFONT, Pennsylvania (GBT) â€” Shiela A. Graham Cunningham passed away last month at her home in Chalfont, Pennsylvania, at the age of 92. She was born on January 25th, 1929, and was the daughter of the late Joseph A. Graham, Sr., and Julia Corr Graham. I visited Aunt Sheila home at home in 2014 and received a wealth of family history information. She had numerous clippings and mass cards that offered various leads of investigation, as well as her own baby book, completed by her mother. Aunt Sheila put me in contact with Eleanor Hentschel, who is the the first cousin I met from the McShane branch of the family. At Eleanor's invitation, attended a McShane family reunion in 2018. Sheila, Eleanor, and I sat down together the following year at Eleanor's home and shared more family history.


By tim, 6 February, 2022
We discover more documents about the Snyders this month, including Minnie Snyder's immigrant passenger list, Blitztein and Lipschutz Bank passage order records for Minnie and Eva, and a Sing Sing prison record for another member of the Snyder family. Lastly, we say farewell to my father's Aunt Sheila, who passed away this month at the age of 92. Links are in the show notes.
By tim, 5 December, 2021
This month I inadvertently added my podcast feed to the Google Podcasts directory.  We're now live and searchable to the podcast-listening world! Let's hope my server can handle it! I've also apparently exhausted my Family Tree document hints. I'm sure I didn't clear them all, so where did they go? Lastly, my genealogy origin story. Hear my grandfather, Joseph A. Graham, describe in a 2007 recording how our Graham ancestors allegedly fled Scotland for Ireland. My desire to confirm this story through documentary evidence evolved into a lifelong genealogy obsession.