
Content related to producing the podcast.

By tim, 31 January, 2025

We start the new year with three fantastic discoveries! The burial locations of three lost souls have either been discovered, or have had progress made toward their discoveries. The death certificates of Elizabeth Attwood Hawkins (d. 1909) and Selma Anflick (d. 1933) each report a cemetery of burial, but at each of the reported cemeteries the records of their burials had gone missing.

By tim, 4 January, 2025

In this final episode of the 2024 season, I apologize for my latenesses over the past few episodes and pledge to get back on track with some new content by the end of January. It's been a long December! After that, with two days left in my winter break, we take another stroll down memory lane with a Christmas message from the Grahams, recorded in 1965. Baby Bobby has joined the family by then. The boys tell storie, sing carols, and as always, they describe what they want Santa to bring them for Christmas.


By tim, 31 July, 2024
Tim G. solves two long-standing family history mysteries this month: The burial location of Baby Selma Anflick at Har Jehuda Cemetery in Upper Darby, and the relationship of Bishop John Joseph Graham to the rest of the Grahams' in the Graham Family Tree. I also lay out plans for two August trips: a trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during the first week of August, and a trip Boston during the third week.
By tim, 30 June, 2024

This month of Genealogy By Tim G., I finally (mostly) finish my year-long quest to enter the descendants of Peter Mumma posted at Mumma.org into my own database before turning my attention to researching my own surname, Graham. I remember my first cousin twice removed John Patrick Graham, who passed away last December. Lastly, I work on clearing BillionGraves's new paywall last week, a job I expect to finish this week on Twitch.


By tim, 30 April, 2024

It's been a slow news month, genealogy-wise, and I recorded a little too close to the deadline to create a proper ancestor spotlight. Here is a short episode detailing some of the goings on in my life, on the podcast, and on the server. These include a possible upcoming career change, a largely successful migration to YouTube Music, and a server software upgrade to Fedora 40. I close the episode by reading from the On This Day and Upcoming Events block of my Webtrees installation.


By tim, 30 June, 2023
This month I announce the launch of my Twitch channel. Then I announce my top three goals for this summer's upcoming bicycle tour of Lancaster. Lastly, I offer some details of Marley and Rieker families, among whose descendants is that nearest living relative in Lancaster whom I hope to meet. Links, as always, are in the show notes.
By tim, 27 March, 2022

This month I share a little of what I discovered at RootsTech this year, I anticipate the imminent release of the 1950 census, and I remember long-time First Friday Genealogy member and contributor Bill Ivers, who passed away this month at the age of 85. Links are in the show notes.

By tim, 6 March, 2022
JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — Season 2, Episode 3 of the Genealogy By Tim G. podcast will be delayed as RootsTech 2022 winds down. The annual genealogy convention offered updates in several corners of the genealogy industry. "I wasn't as productive with it as I wanted to be," said Tim G., proprietor of the Genealogy By Tim G. website. "I put a lot of time this weekend on my email server, and I made some progress on that beyond what I accomplished when I first attempted it in the summer of 2020, so I only managed to catch a few of the presentations." Among the presentations Tim saw were MyHeritage's unveiling of its new LiveStory feature, RootsTech's Innovator's Portal, and Ancestry®'s introduction to the forthcoming 1950 census release.