By tim, 6 November, 2021
This month I received a pair of contacts online, on through Facebook, and another through One of these contacts was more closely related than the other. I talk about them, and offer a few tips for using Facebook to enhance your genealogy.
By tim, 2 October, 2021
The school year is in full swing, but the podcast continues! In this episode I describe some upcoming changes to one of my favorite apps to take on the road: Google My Maps. Then tell you all about my stay-at-home genealogy adventures in will transcription! Enjoy!
By tim, 3 September, 2021
In this month's episode, I explain my activities on's global family tree, resolving record suggestions pertaining to my Smith ancestors and relatives. I describe what the family tree showed after I resolved all record hints, which is that we may well have Smith cousins living in the Boston area. Lastly, I describe the elevator accident that took the life of one potential Boston relative, Edward Smith, in the winter of 1915.
By tim, 7 August, 2021
In this month's episode, I review what I discovered during this summer's epic cycling tour of Lancaster and Sunbury. I visit a local cemetery with my brother, niece, and nephew. I untangle some potential Smith ancestors on the FamilySearch global family tree, and I ponder making a backup server to help reduce the website's downtime.
By tim, 28 June, 2021
In this month's episode I detail my revised genealogy tour plan. After that I have a tale of tragedy and heartbreak involving some descendants of the Sunbury Hogendoblers, as well as a tale of triumph and serendipity involving descendants of the Mt. Joy Hougendoblers. Other items of interest include the Vlogit app for portable video blogging, the digitization efforts of Sunbury's City Cemetery records, and Habitat for Humanity's Move for Homes, which continues this month despite cycling being dropped from its list of approved activities.
By tim, 26 June, 2021

JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — My annual tour of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, originally scheduled for June 19th through 26th has been postponed. The new start and end dates are scheduled to be Tuesday, June 29th through Thursday, July 8th.

By tim, 11 June, 2021
In this episode I briefly introduce myself, and then outline a tentative itinerary for this year's Genealogy Cycling Tour of Lancaster. This year's tour will take me to Sunbury, Northumberland County, in search of John Hogendobler, brother of Catherine Hogentogler Kline, who left Lancaster County back in the late 1860s. From Sunbury I will cycle down to Lancaster County in search of descendants of Joseph Hougendobler, Jr., another brother of Catherine. Some of Joseph's descendants eventually moved to Philadelphia, not far from my current home in Jenkintown.
By tim, 31 March, 2021

JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — Some improvements were made this week to the Webtrees family tree at Page loading has substantially improved after circular references were removed. The individual pages of some of our most popular ancestors should no longer time out. Media presentation has also improved.

By tim, 28 March, 2021

JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania (GBT) — is back online after a week-long outage. The interruption was caused by a buggy upgrade on March 21st. GCC-10.3.0 apparently generates an illegal instruction when it builds MariaDB-10.5.9 on a Pentium-M processor. Downgrading to GCC-9.3.0 and rebuilding MariaDB resolved the issue. Gentoo Forum members were helpful in diagnosing the problem. A bug report might be filed in the near future. ⬮